AUDIO-Book - Medicare and Cash-Pay Physical Therapy SKU: 121149

The Medicare and Cash-Pay Physical Therapy AUDIO-Book: A Guide to the Rules and Regulations on Taking Private Payment from Medicare Beneficiaries


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If you are interested in the cash-based business model or incorporating private-pay services into your practice, you probably have questions about how treating Medicare beneficiaries will fit into that scenario. Jarod Carter's book, Medicare and Cash-Pay Physical Therapy, is a comprehensive guide based on all he has learned from over five years of owning a cash-based clinic and many hours of working with different attorneys and authorities on this subject.

He has also been teaching about the private-pay business model for a number of years and often consults for in-network practices that participate with Medicare. So this book is not focused solely on the rules as they apply to completely cash-based practices. It is written for any practice owner wondering when he/she can accept private payment for the variety of services a PT business may provide to beneficiaries.